Tuesday 9 July 2019

The trip to Bolivia - Peru - Iquique - Shopping paradise

One of the places i wanted to check out on this trip was the ZOFRI, or Zona Franca de Iquique, a place I heard much about in Paraguay and Bolivia, since Iquique is one of Chile's most northern ports where merchandise arrives fro Asia to America and many containers are destined to Bolivia and Paraguay which are land locked countries with no access to the pacific.

Iquique is more a border town than Arica in its aspect, with a small downtown area and a huge warehouse neighbourhood where you can find any imported object you desire, tax free for foreigners and some Chileans.

the Zofri is a big warehouse complex with many stores and also a big shopping mall where the common public can buy electronics and some other trinkets. Most of the stores sell cell phones and small electronics. contrary to my expectations none sold cameras and only two sold computers.

Many people come here to purchase second hand cars and bikes brought over from Japan, and even brand new vehicles tax free.

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