Well, its been two years date to date that this blog has been online. What beter topic than to go back to the original topic of colours.
This beautifull butterfly lives at the Mariposario of the Chapultepec Zoo in Mexico City, and beleive or not this was the best shot I got of these buggers. all the other butterflyes would stay still but the blue ones where increadably active, and since the place was at 30 C, I did´nt hang out too long in there.
Por celebrar dos años que empezamos este blog, voy a vencer la preza de escribir en español. El domingo estuve en el Zoologico de Chapultepec en Mexico D.F, que está muy bien mantenido, aparte de ser gratis. esta es una de las mariposas del Mariposario, la mariposa Azul Real.