La Plata is the capital of the Province of Buenos Aires not more than 60 clicks away from the city of Buenos Aires. It was designed and built around 1882 to rival the capital city.
Now, Zarate is definitely one of the mayor cities in the northern part of the Buenos Aires province with a life of its own and a gateway to the province of Entre Rios though the Zarate-Brazo Largo bridge.
Campana is a City in its namesake Partido in the Buenos Aires Province wich sits 80 clicks from the City of Buenos Aires.
Entering "Paseo Mendoza" takes you away from the average architecture in the Buenos Aires province, Ii´s more like small towns in the Atlantic coast of Argentina or Uruguay.
An abandoned farm turned petting zoo and community farm where you can stroll and watch enjoy nature in an area that is being rapidly urbanized.
Not more than 45 clicks away from Buenos Aires in Benavidez there is a very nice place to visit called Torrepueblo.
I have to say that it is not entirely accurate of an imitation but the proportions are quite right and it does have the looks and ambiance of a small italian village.
Actually this is a hotel with shopping mall complex designed to look like an italian village.
So here we are again at a "Laguna" this time in San Vicente, if you come from Ontario where there´s more than a million lakes in the province, you will not be impressed, but if you come from some dry place you will ´probably enjoy the water.
Most of the thing that are in display are objects related to Peron and Evita, besides that his mausoleum is there, there is also the former argentine presidential train used by many presidents and Peron himself.
Hey, this is an informal blog in which I will post some original pics that I take while covering diferent events.
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Hola, Aquí pondré fotos no oficiales tomadas durante las distintas coberturas que realizo.
Para ver fotos del día, ver mis otros blogs