Tuesday, 12 April 2022
Argentina by Train - From Buenos Aires to Rufino - Laboulaye

Friday, 8 April 2022
Argentina by Train - From Buenos Aires to Rufino -Rufino
Everybody asked me, What is there to see in Rufino? Frankly not much, besides the train station and its main square with a church
Monday, 4 April 2022
Argentina by Train - From Buenos Aires to Rufino

The train Leaves at 8pm and arrives at 6am, being a bit slower that the other trains I travelled in. I tried to bring my bike along but was surprised to find out that the train i was travelling in did not have a luggage car, so I was left on foot.

But in all the trip was agreeable with comfy seats and at a rock bottom price, the highlight of the trip was when we crossed the Picasa Lake or "Laguna Picasa" right at sunrise, seen in the middle pic, I think the whole trip was worth only for that experience.
Monday, 28 March 2022
The Trip to Misiones - Posadas - The Jesuit Ruins - Santa Ana

Friday, 25 March 2022
The Trip to Misiones - Posadas - The Jesuit Ruins - Loreto
I was told at San Ignacio that it was worth visiting all the ruins or archeological sites, If you are not a die hard explorer I think you can settle with only SanIgnacio.

Since i has set aside the day to visit the ruins I decided to go to Loreto which is not too far if you have a car. However it can get tricky going on foot, just taking the bus, which are basically the lomg distance buses that travel Ruta 12 and that may or may not stop for you and drop you off on the same road so you can walk 3 clicks back and frth to the ruins.

When I got there I saw that Loreto is in an archeolgical dig state, but there is a small museum and the guide was very friendly and took me to visit all the site.
Tuesday, 22 March 2022
The Trip to Misiones - Posadas - The Jesuit Ruins - San Ignacio mini
Only 50 clicks away from posadas you can catch several buses from the Bus Terinal that will get you there in less than an hour, I do recommend spending the day and visiting the other two missions even if they are in a more ruin like state than San Ignacio that was partially reconstructed.
Thursday, 17 March 2022
The Trip to Misiones - Obera -El jardin de los Pajaros
One of the must go places in Obera is "El Jardin de los Pájaros"
Thursday, 10 March 2022
The Trip to Misiones - Back to Posadas via Obera
Since my bus from El Soberbio left at 2am I decided to stop by Obera which is the second largest city in Misiones. It was one of those horrible rainy days when it pours continuosly.Also remember that Misiones sits on the tropic of Capricorn, so when it rains its abundant
Never the less I did enjoy Obera, there are several atractions worth visiting, specially when the weather is fair
Saturday, 5 March 2022
The Trip to Misiones - Mocona Falls - The Falls
Dividing the Uruguay There is a fault line spliting it in half. When water levels are low, the water from one-half of the river crashes down into the lower half of the fault line, During dry season, the falls can reach up to 8 meters
Sunday, 20 February 2022
The Trip to Misiones - Mocona Falls - " Parque ¨Provincial Mocona"
It comprises more than 1000 hectares of sub tropical jungle and it is right at the border with Brazil which shares the Mocona falls with Argentina.
There are tree main paths on which you can go walking and then the boat that takes you along the Paraná river where you can see the falls from the rivers view.
On the Brazilian side you can see the falls from above.
Along the paths you¨ll get to enjoy native flora and fauna and if you go at the right time, millions of Butterflies of an array of colours.
The Trip to Misiones - Mocona Falls - From "EL Soberbio" to Mocona Falls
When I was there there were few options, maybe paying an outrageous price to go by taxi or walking, there were no regular bus services from the city to the Park.
So thanks to the owner of the Hostel in Posadas I managed to get in touch with the staff that work at the park and get a ride on the van that goes back and forth to the park to bring them there.
I did pay a fare, but it certainly was very little compared to any of the means of transport.
Thursday, 17 February 2022
The Trip to Misiones - Mocona Falls - El soberbio - where to stay
There are many lodges to stay outside El Soberbio, most require some type of transport. But if for some reason you are stuck in the city with no mobility.
I do recommend the place I stayed, called Guaramboca, located at Avenida San Martin 699, right beside the biggest super market called "Ceferino Rodriguez".
It isn't a luxury hotel but it is pretty comfy with all the commodities for a night stay.
The Trip to Misiones - Mocona Falls - El soberbio
There is not really much to see but the town is quite tidy and sports some mega supermarkets and wine store that acomodate Brasilian who cross over for meat, wine and gas that is cheaper on this side.
It also has a a small "Costanera" or river side walk from which you can see neighbouring Brazil and the boats that go back and forth bringing people and goods. At the time I went there the border was closed due to Covid, so it probably was contraband being crossed.
There was something curious about "El Soberbio" and that was that most of the people are bilingual in Spanish and Portuguese, but some use Portuguese as their first language even though they are Argentine, something I have not seen in other cities.
Monday, 7 February 2022
The Trip to Misiones - Mocona Falls - From Posdas to El Soberbio
The buses are comfy and cheap, and considering that rainy days in misiones are an all day non stop event, I took advantage and did my travelling back and forth on rainy days.The buses leave from the Posadas bus terminal which can be accesed by bus otr taxi.
Sunday, 6 February 2022
The Trip to Misiones - Posadas - Encarnacion - crossing by train
There is a fun and simple way of crossing the border in between Posadas, Argentina and Encarnación, Paraguay. There is a small train that unites both cities that can be taken on week days for a small price, unfortunately the argentine state run railroads do not have any interest in promoting tourism, so like many other trains that go to attractive destinations, it doesn't work on weekends or holidays.
Saturday, 5 February 2022
The Trip to Misiones - Posadas - Encarnacion
Both cities are in sight of each other and can be accesed walking, by car bus or train. In pre covid times it was very easy, now with covid restrictions it can be harder.
people from both sides regularly come and go to buy cheaper goods on both sides.
If you cross from Argentina to Paraguay you might be interested in tasting some typical Paraguayan food or some junky electronics or gadgets that are cheaper on the Paraguay side.
The Trip to Misiones - Posadas - Duomo - Ice cream
I have visited several of its stores in various trips and was always satisfied with the quality of the product. I do not know why there are no competitors, except some small ones which I was not very impressed with.
Friday, 21 January 2022
The Trip to Misiones - Posadas - where to eat "Itakua"
The place is quite nice and has an outdoor deck with wee to the river, they specialize in pizza but also have a variety of fish and meat dishes, when I was there they had a discount on weekday evenings with 40% off on pizza and drinks, which definitely caught my eye, since I paid less than the cost of a greasy burger, so I wnt there twice and was very satisfied both times.
Thursday, 20 January 2022
The Trip to Misiones - Posadas - where to stay
I generally crash at Hostels not only cuz they are cheap, or that I just need a clean bed and shower cuz I spend all day roaming around, but also for the intel provided by local people that own those places.
Last time I was in Posadas most of the Hostels where closed due to COVID, I was referred to " Como en Casa Hostel" located at Junin 2129, close to Plaza San Martin which is one of Posada´s main parks.
Gotta tell you that is pretty basic but comfy and its owner Mauricio is a great guy who set me up with contacts to all the places that I wanted to visit.
Sunday, 9 January 2022
The Trip to Misiones - Posadas - Balneario El Brete
The "Balneario el Brete" is a nice beach at the shores of the Parna river, a greta place to rferesh from athe heat, take great sunset shots and pose at the I´ve been there sign with the name of the city.
Monday, 3 January 2022
The Trip to Misiones - Posadas - La Costanera
Posada's biggest feature is definitely its River side walk or Costanera, which spans the whole peninsula shaped city.
At its peak at sunset or sunrise in that order, or for a walk with some breeze from the Parana River at anytime of the day.