Tuesday, 28 June 2016
In passing snapshot - The Citroen Limo
Nowadays, there make limos out of basically any vehicle, this Citroen version is a new one and very representative of the classic Argentine cars of the 70s.
I snapped this one at Diagonal Norte in downtown Buenos Aires.
Buenos Aires,
In Passing Snapshot,
South America
Saturday, 25 June 2016
Cordoba - the Tango Hostel
During my last visit to the City of Cordoba in its namesake province in the Argentine North, I stayed at the Tango Hostel, located at Simón Bolivar 613.
Its one of your regular Hostels with a common are a and bunk bed accommodation, good wi-fi and a basic breakfast.
It also has a nice back yard with BBQ facilities. Its strong point relies on being 15 blocks away from the Bus terminal, 1o from the Casco Histórico and a few from "La Cañada" and the "Patio Olmos".
South America
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Dia de la Bandera in Rosario - Santa Fe
This last weekend was a long one due to the conjunction of two holidays, a one timer on Friday celebrating the anniversary of Guemes a local "Caudillo" and "Argentine flag day on Monday 20th"

So I decided to hop over to Rosario, Santa Fe, to participate in the celebrations at the Flag Monument, or Monumento as the locals call it.
The Argentine president attended himself and there was an official act, I rather stayed with the local folk, that tend to be very friendly, and enjoyed the free Mate Cocido served by the Malvinas veterans and had a big plate of "Locro" a traditional stew with meat and beans .
Sunday, 19 June 2016
Ten top Beer joints in Buenos Aires - Kramer - Palermo
The Kramer pub, located at Uriarte 1411 in the Palermo hood markets itself as a German Bierhaus, in spite of having the same selection of Craft beers found at other pubs in Palermo.
Nevertheless I think it is a worthy watering hole, cosy and with a good selection of German sausage to accompany its beer.
Buenos Aires,
South America,
Ten top beer
The trip to Chile - Santa Lucia hill

The Cerro Santa Lucia is a small hill in the Center of Santiago situated in between the Alameda del Libertador and Victoria Subercaseaux. There's a Metro station beside it named after it.
It has an altitude of 629m and 70m over street level, by the way, forget bout feet in Latin America, go metric or bust.
On one side of the Hill you´ll find Fuerte Hidalgo that dates from the 1920s and was used as a defensive point. On the other side, the terrain was used as a "cemetry for dissidents", those who did not follow the Catholic faith or were considered unworthy of burrial at hallowed grounds.
In propper time the remains burried in the hillside were transferred to the Santiago cemetery.
The Hill gives a nice view of downtown Santiago and is used by locals as a park for a Sunday stroll.
South America,
trip to Chile,
Sunday, 12 June 2016
Ten top Beer joints in Buenos Aires - Baum - Palermo Holywood
Located at Honduras 5720 in Palermo Hollywood, the Baum is a pretty nice beer joint.
With a good variaty of hme brewed beers and a spacious ambiance, its big enough to get cozy in a corner and not be bothered with crowds. Obviously on Fridays and Saturday nights that may not be the case.
Buenos Aires,
Ten top beer
Tuesday, 7 June 2016
El Puerto de frutos en Tigre

The market known as "El Puerto de Frutos" in the municipality of Tigre in the Province of Buenos Aires is a small port on the banks of the Lujan river, where in the past was used to unload all the produce that came from the Parana delta and thus was sent to Buenos Aires.
Nowadays it is a tourist trap-produce market, where you can find all sorts of handy crafts and food items.
Having been renovated in the last two decades this used to be a pretty marginal area of the city, but it is good heath now with the revitalisation of the whole of igre.
It certainly is a very pictouresque place to buy trinquets and to capture great pics.
Provincia de Buenos Aires,
Saturday, 4 June 2016
Ten top Beer joints in Buenos Aires - The Old Mule - Palermo
The old Mule in Palermo is located at Cabrera 4946 and serves crafted beers with its own line of homemade beers called "Linea Autor"
The place is quite ample with high ceilings an lost of room to spread out without being shoulder to shoulder, if you do´nt want to.
It has a happy hour deal that´s a two for one choosing among the line of beers that you selected.
Buenos Aires,
Ten top beer
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