The Cerro Santa Lucia is a small hill in the Center of Santiago situated in between the Alameda del Libertador and Victoria Subercaseaux. There's a Metro station beside it named after it.
It has an altitude of 629m and 70m over street level, by the way, forget bout feet in Latin America, go metric or bust.
On one side of the Hill you´ll find Fuerte Hidalgo that dates from the 1920s and was used as a defensive point. On the other side, the terrain was used as a "cemetry for dissidents", those who did not follow the Catholic faith or were considered unworthy of burrial at hallowed grounds.
In propper time the remains burried in the hillside were transferred to the Santiago cemetery.
The Hill gives a nice view of downtown Santiago and is used by locals as a park for a Sunday stroll.
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